We all have different ways to feel productive. From listing down our priorities in the morning or listening to relaxing music while paving your way through the day, each one of us have our own ways to cope up with our daily activities.

Let’s look at ten foolproof ways to help you improve your efficiency in the long run.

1. Take scheduled breaks to even out your work throughout the day.

According to a survey conducted by Pipedrive, the French were more productive than Americans because of their two hour lunch break. Taking scheduled breaks  help create a balance between someone’s lives, making them produce better results overall, and a happier lifestyle.

2. Start the day early.

Creating a habit of starting out earlier than most of your peers would help you to increase your productivity. Start by clearing out your e-mails and previous day queues before the disturbance starts. It will free a lot of your time and provide more leeway to catch up with other work and even finish most of them so you don’t have to be constantly cramming.

3. Learn how to disconnect.

Social media, emails and phone calls can sometimes be distracting than helpful (unless your work relies heavily on those). Learning how to avoid these interruptions by disconnecting from your phone and dedicating a specific time during the day to check those would help clear out you schedule for more important and high level tasks.

4. Don’t be a human bottleneck.

Have a conscious effort on fulfilling your responsibilities so you would not prevent work or others from moving forward. Make sure to communicate well with the rest of the team so everyone is one the same page on what is expected out of you.

5. Know when to attend to concerns.

Having a strategic approach on checking your emails, as well as when to take phone phone calls would help you focus more on the task at hand, making the progress much faster compared when you try to multitask and attend to everything all at the same time. Also, you must identify the priorities at hand before you start your day so you will be able to dedicate your time accordingly.

6. Set meetings on a Tuesday.

According to a research, Tuesday is the most productive work day because most people feel more conditioned to get things done during that day. The positive momentum established after Monday is helpful in creating a more productive day for most people, making Tuesday the perfect day to set meetings and deadlines for most tasks.

7. Set deadlines for yourself.

Knowing when you need something to get accomplished helps on motivating yourself to push forward, focus, and finish more within your set time frame.

8. Create checklists for your work.

Laying them down and ticking them one by one is not only satisfying, but it also helps to keep you motivated and going every day. It is also very useful, since you’ll be able to narrow down and get through everything, giving less chances of committing errors or forgetting tasks.

9. Make time for work out.

Physical activities are not only helpful when it comes to our body but it is also beneficial to the mind. Working out helps you to relax and remain focused throughout the day.

10.  Track your own time.

Knowing how you spend every minute of the day helps you to be more conscious on how to budget your time wisely. This also helps on creating the most effective timeline for you, knowing what time you should work, and what time should you take your breaks.

Setting your own personal goals at work or for your business will allow you to have central focus on things with the most impact and cut down the time spent on less impactful activities. Having a plan of your day will also help you set the mood for the rest of the day and better react and prepare when things don’t seem to go as planned.

Author Bio:

Lisa Froelings is an entrepreneur and mother of 3. Since starting her business 5 years ago, she’s now on a mission to make and find balance between her startup and her family life through meditation, mindfulness and healthy living. When not raising funds for her business and her kids, you may find her musings on Twitter.